And then there were three...
Everything changed for us in 2022 when our little one was born. Realising how quickly she was growing and changing day to day we didn't want to miss a thing, but with everything else there is to think about you sometimes forget to capture these little moments before they pass you by.
With this is mind, and already working as a freelance photographer and stylist with our own studio, we created Little Luma. Our aim is to capture the natural beauty of your little one and create lasting memories of the moments in time which so quickly change as they start to learn and grow. We have created a relaxed setting in which to take natural, simply styled photographs with the highlight being on you, your little one or those precious first moments with your new family.
Shooting from our rural studio, nestled between Bedford and Milton Keynes, we feel honoured to be chosen to share and capture all the magical moments with you - from bump to baby and every milestone that follows, getting to know both you and your baby along the way.
Thanks for taking the time to find out a little more about us and we hope to meet you soon,
Lucy, Emma and Little x